Recently, while going through old photos and videos I discovered some old footage from the first few days of my arrival the Big Island so I thought I'd share it. :)
Read MoreBuddha statue enjoying the view of the pool
Farewell to Kalani
"I had so many life changing experiences during this time. To name a few, I learned how to make a bonfire in less than 60 seconds, survived hurricane Iselle, learned extensively about schizophrenia and how it feels to have a erotomaniac stalker..."
Read MoreUncle Ted Wandering & Pondering ...
Wandering with Uncle Ted
Uncle Ted sat next to me and said, "Now look at this view! I know people who have millions of dollars but they can't find the time to get away from their work to enjoy something like this. They would kill to be doing this right now ma boy!"
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Precious Stones in the Parking Lot
My first instinct was to run down after it, but Asim stopped me. He gave me his camera bag and said he’d go look for the lens. He traveled down the cliff, smiling up at me reassuringly, but I was freaking out. If he hadn’t stopped me I would’ve gone rolling off the cliff and now I was watching him without being able to do anything to help.
Read MoreWhat a Hole Taught Me
We continued to journey deeper into Pele's home. As we proceeded my imagination ran wild. The thought of the tube leading us to an underground oasis where a majestic river flowed from Mauna Kea to the ocean tempted me.
Read MoreDepression of the Shutter Button
I realized that I didn't need to figure out what the rest of my life would look like, I just needed to start where I'm at with what I have, and do the best I can.
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